STICKY HEELZ were at the Inside Shop Awards
At Sticky Heelz HQ we were delighted to feature in this year's Inside Soap Awards goody bags. We were so excited to see so many of our favourite and utterly glamorous soap stars at the event. We know that they are going to love our Sticky Heelz products and we look forward to supporting the event again next year.
Check out the next issue of Inside Soap to see what other products were included within the good bag.
Stop Shoe Slipping
Uisng our two part shoe pad and heel pad that connect to secure the foot inside the shoe your shoes will stay firmly in place with no shoe slip or rubbing and blistering.
Reduce Discomfort at Ball of Foot
That burning sensation at the ball of the foot can be reduced using our podiatrist designed teardrop arch pads. The product is shaped to reduce discomfort at the ball of the foot with 6 placement pads so the product can be used in up to 3 different pairs of shoes.
That burning sensation at the ball of the foot can be reduced using our podiatrist designed teardrop arch pads. The product is shaped to reduce discomfort at the ball of the foot with 6 placement pads so the product can be used in up to 3 different pairs of shoes.
Editor’s Picks
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11 reviews
Sticky Heelz: The Ultimate Solution for Perfectly Fitting Shoes Say goodbye to the frustration of loose-fitting shoes, half-size dilemmas, and the challenges of small or narrow feet. Sticky Heelz is the innovative, patented solution designed to secure your foot comfortably...
£5.99 GBP
3 Standard Packs of Sticky Heelz Anti Slip Heel Pads
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3 reviews
Its Cocktails and Heelz season, stock up for you and your girlfriends with our seasonal offer of 3 standard packs of Sticky Heelz for £16.99 saving you £6.97 !! Plus free P&P or only £1.99 for international shipping. 3 packs...
£15.99 GBP
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2 reviews
Buy both the Sticky Heelz heel pads and teardrop pads to ensure ultimate in-shoe comfort. Sticky Heelz heel pads will enable a minimum of two wears. The teardrop pads can be used in up to 3 pairs of shoes for...
£11.99 GBP
Buy 4 small packs of Sticky Heelz
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4 small packs of Sticky Heelz will provide: 8 x Shoe pads 8 x Heel pads To apply please ensure that no body lotion or fake tan is present on the foot as this will create a barrier to making...
£19.96 GBP
£16.99 GBP